1. Robert Hougham
  2. https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/environmentaleducation/
  3. Associate Professor
  4. Scientific Observation and Environmental Storytelling: Engaging Youth and Educators in Urban Settings to Improve Great Lakes Literacy
  5. https://www.sciencestrikesback.com/
  6. University of Wisconsin Madison
  1. José Basaldua
  2. Projects Assistant & Environmental Educator
  3. Scientific Observation and Environmental Storytelling: Engaging Youth and Educators in Urban Settings to Improve Great Lakes Literacy
  4. https://www.sciencestrikesback.com/
  5. Reflo
  2. https://milwaukee.extension.wisc.edu/
  3. Positive Youth Development Educator
  4. Scientific Observation and Environmental Storytelling: Engaging Youth and Educators in Urban Settings to Improve Great Lakes Literacy
  5. https://www.sciencestrikesback.com/
  6. University of Wisconsin Madison
  1. Justin Hegarty
  2. https://refloh2o.com/
  3. Executive Director
  4. Scientific Observation and Environmental Storytelling: Engaging Youth and Educators in Urban Settings to Improve Great Lakes Literacy
  5. https://www.sciencestrikesback.com/
  6. Reflo
  1. Jasmine Viges
  2. https://refloh2o.com/who-we-are
  4. Scientific Observation and Environmental Storytelling: Engaging Youth and Educators in Urban Settings to Improve Great Lakes Literacy
  5. https://www.sciencestrikesback.com/
  6. Reflo
  1. Joey Zocher
  2. http://www.transcenterforyouth.org/
  4. Scientific Observation and Environmental Storytelling: Engaging Youth and Educators in Urban Settings to Improve Great Lakes Literacy
  5. https://www.sciencestrikesback.com/
  6. TransCenter for Youth
Public Discussion

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  • Icon for: Robert Hougham

    Robert Hougham

    Lead Presenter
    Associate Professor
    May 10, 2022 | 09:11 a.m.

    Welcome to STEM for all- please reach out if you have questions about Science Strikes Back or STEM efforts in Milwaukee.  More information here: https://www.sciencestrikesback.com/


  • Icon for: Catherine McCulloch

    Catherine McCulloch

    Senior Project Director
    May 10, 2022 | 09:52 a.m.

    Thank you, Robert and team. This is really interesting work. I'm curious about how you motivate community partners to engage in the fairs.

  • Icon for: Robert Hougham

    Robert Hougham

    Lead Presenter
    Associate Professor
    May 10, 2022 | 05:25 p.m.

    Hi Catherine- thanks for the question.  We have a wide network of collaborators that we connect with and we also enjoy working with new partners that learn about this by way of youth in their school or neighborhood having connections themselves to adults involved in community efforts

  • Icon for: Mike Szydlowski

    Mike Szydlowski

    K-12 Science Coordinator
    May 11, 2022 | 09:24 p.m.

    Great work!  I was curious about how you encourage students to pick topics they really care about (as opposed to finding a project in a book to replicate).  Do students go through a process to help with that? 

  • Icon for: David Campbell

    David Campbell

    Program Officer, retired
    May 12, 2022 | 10:17 a.m.

    Hello team.  People are becoming more aware of environmental justice these days.  You mention it in your video, but I was wondering if the topic has been a motivating force in any of your students.

  • Icon for: Joey Zocher

    Joey Zocher

    May 12, 2022 | 11:19 a.m.

    Hi David, 

    Yes, many of the projects are related to taking action to create change. Escuela Verde's curricular lenses are the environment, peace and justice so they try to fold in aspects of justice, including skills needed to take action. For this event, watching students teach other students about what they are doing feels like the greatest motivating force.


  • Icon for: Connie Flanagan

    Connie Flanagan

    May 17, 2022 | 04:36 p.m.

    I love your point about raising questions about who does science and for what purpose.