Icon for: Robin Murphy


Texas A&M University
Public Discussion

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  • Icon for: Billy Spitzer

    Billy Spitzer

    Executive Director
    May 10, 2022 | 12:41 p.m.


    Thank you for sharing information about this project. It sounds like you are in the early stages of getting underway. It sounds like there is potentially a lot of complexity involved, and I was curious to learn more about what kinds of challenges you are encountering, and how both the high school students and emergency management professionals are making meaning from the data they are collecting.

    It's great to hear that you are paying students for their time. I was wondering to what extent students see this work as a learning opportunity, a job, or both?


  • Icon for: Robin Murphy

    Robin Murphy

    Lead Presenter
    Raytheon Professor
    May 10, 2022 | 01:19 p.m.

    Why thank you! 

    The students are seeing this as a learning opportunity as it is either part of their class (Bryan schools) or as an extracurricular learning opportunity for college career military readiness certificates (Galveston schools).

    Extracting meaning is easy- we're getting a lot of "oh, look at that" from the emergency managers even before populating the GIS systems. Internships will be doing the GIS analysis this summer.

  • Icon for: Beatriz Canas

    Beatriz Canas

    Director of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility
    May 10, 2022 | 01:50 p.m.


    Thank you for sharing information about your project. What types of specific skills do you hope student participants will gain?

  • Icon for: Robin Murphy

    Robin Murphy

    Lead Presenter
    Raytheon Professor
    May 10, 2022 | 02:12 p.m.

    The students get specific CCMR (College, Career, Military Ready) skills in drones (Part 107 license) and GIS which earn them a certificate(s) from the State of Texas. 

    We also expect them to get skills working with experts and adults (emergency managers). 


  • Icon for: Nonye Alozie

    Nonye Alozie

    May 10, 2022 | 11:37 p.m.

    Hi Robin, this is great. I love seeing projects that directly relate to the students' lives and communities. I would be interested in knowing: 1) How you involve stakeholders to do this work, 2) How students respond/like doing this work, and 3) what students learn from this work.

  • Icon for: Corinne Brenner

    Corinne Brenner

    May 12, 2022 | 02:01 p.m.

    What in interesting project! Is there a commitment on the part of state and local pre-disaster mitigation agencies to implement the findings in specific ways?